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Tag: Queenstown

New Zealand – Start into the New Year on the South Island

New Zealand – Start into the New Year on the South Island

After sleeping till late, we were a bit shocked by the gloomy red sky. The smoke from the bush fires of Australia blew right over. Nevertheless, my brother Andi and I walked up and down the mountain quickly. We later tasted wine at a wine shop. In the evening we enjoy the ride on the steamship TSS Earnslaw. When we arrived at a farm there was a delicious BBQ buffet and we could watch a sheep being shorn.

Südinsel – South coast

Südinsel – South coast

In Timaru verabschiedeten wir uns von Markus welcher seine letzten Tage in Neuseeland verbrachte. Wir selbst fuhren gen Süden. In Moaraki besichtigten wir die kugelrunden Steine am Strand. Abends sahen wir bei einem Leuchtturm nahe Moaraki Seelöwen, Robben und einen gelbaugen Pinguin welcher von Stein zu Stein hobbste und sich putzte.